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Image by Daniel Guerra

We share the love of God in our neighborhoods

We desire to share the love of God in our neighborhoods.  Within this we understand that God has given us each friends and neighbors to love in His Name.  We are also called to partner with others. 

We also desire to be a church that plants other churches so that there will be an Anglican expression of worship in every neighborhood of San Diego.

Personal Networks


We believe God has given each of us family, friends, and neighbors with whom He wants us to grow and share His love.  To do so we pray, invest in the relationship, and invite regularly those with love to share the life of Christ.



As a church we partner with the San Diego Rescue Mission, joyfully working alongside them in order "To see God transform the lives of those experiencing homelessness, impacting San Diego one life at a time." 

Church Planting


We desire to plant Anglican worshiping communities which reflect and reach the diverse population of San Diego County.  In the past our church family  has helped to plant Emmanuel Anglican Church in Bonita. We continue to support Emmanuel while also seeking to plant other congregations in the area.

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